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Orthodontic Treatment: The Right Step for a Healthy and Aesthetic Smile

Orthodontic Treatment: The Right Step for a Healthy and Aesthetic Smile
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Orthodontic treatment is a branch of dentistry that provides both aesthetic and functional improvement by correcting disorders in the tooth and jaw structure. Today, many people apply to orthodontic treatment to have healthier and straighter teeth. This treatment process helps to protect dental health in the long term by being planned specifically for the person.

What is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that corrects disorders in the jaw structure and crooked teeth. In addition to providing an aesthetic smile, orthodontic treatment also positively affects chewing functions and oral health. A correct orthodontic treatment process both ensures that the teeth are aligned regularly and helps you achieve a healthier oral structure by supporting the jaw structure.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

  • Corrects irregularities and crookedness in teeth.
  • Facilitates digestion by improving chewing functions.
  • Helps to correct speech disorders.
  • Can prevent jaw joint disorders.
  • Reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Increases self-confidence by providing an aesthetic smile.

Who Can Get Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is suitable for individuals of all ages. However, it is recommended to start treatment at an early age to get the best results. An orthodontic examination performed on children at the age of 7-8 can help prevent serious teeth and jaw problems that may occur in the future. However, adults can also benefit from orthodontic treatment and correct their teeth without aesthetic concerns thanks to advanced treatment methods.

Types of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment can be applied with different methods depending on the patient's needs:

Metal Braces

    Metal braces, which are the classic orthodontic treatment method, are quite effective in correcting teeth. Today, they offer comfortable use thanks to their thinner and more aesthetic designs.

    Treatment with Transparent Plates (Invisalign)

      For individuals looking for a more aesthetic solution, transparent plates are a modern treatment method that corrects teeth in certain stages and has a removable structure.

      Lingual Orthodontics (Invisible Braces)

        Lingual braces placed on the inside of the teeth are not noticeable when viewed from the outside. It is an ideal option for patients with aesthetic concerns.

        Ceramic (Porcelain) Braces

          Less visible than metal braces, porcelain braces have color tones close to the natural structure of the teeth. It can be preferred for individuals with high aesthetic concerns.

          How Does the Orthodontic Treatment Process Work?

          The orthodontic treatment process is planned specifically for the individual and usually consists of the following stages:

          • Examination and Evaluation: In the first stage, the dentist evaluates the patient's mouth and jaw structure.
          • Treatment Planning: A treatment plan is created according to the direction of movement of the teeth and the patient's needs.
          • Start of Treatment: The selected orthodontic treatment method is applied and regular check-ups are performed.
          • Reinforcement Process: Reinforcement treatment is applied to maintain the new positions of the teeth.

          Things to Consider During the Orthodontic Treatment Process

          Individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment need to pay more attention to oral care. Since braces or plates can cause food residue to accumulate, regular brushing and flossing are very important. In addition, hard and sticky foods should be avoided and regular dentist check-ups should be attended.

          What to Do After Orthodontic Treatment

          After the treatment is completed, a retainer (reinforcement device) must be used to maintain the new position of the teeth. Otherwise, the teeth will not move to their old positions.

          Frequently Asked Questions

          How long does orthodontic treatment take?

          The duration of orthodontic treatment varies depending on the patient's tooth structure and the treatment method. It can generally last between 6 months and 2 years.

          Is orthodontic treatment painful?

          A slight discomfort may be felt in the early stages of treatment, but this decreases within a few days. Thanks to modern orthodontic methods, patient comfort is kept at the highest level.

          Will the teeth deteriorate again after orthodontic treatment?

          A retainer (reinforcement apparatus) should be used after treatment to prevent the teeth from returning to their former positions. In this way, the treatment is permanent.

          Are transparent plates (Invisalign) or metal braces more effective?

          Which treatment method is more suitable depends on the patient's tooth structure and treatment needs. Transparent plates can be effective for mild tooth misalignments, while metal braces may be recommended for more serious orthodontic problems.

          Is there an age limit for orthodontic treatment?

          Orthodontic treatment can be applied at any age. While starting at an early age is advantageous for children, adults can also achieve healthy and straight teeth with appropriate treatment methods.

          Orthodontic treatment not only provides an aesthetic smile, but also provides a more comfortable life by protecting your oral and dental health in the long term. If you need a level in your dental structure

          Last Updated: Feb 28th, 2025

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