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Endodontic Surgery in Istanbul Turkey

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Treatment Highlights
Duration of Stay
1 day
Number of Visits
Treatment Duration
1 hour
Local Anesthesia
Recovery Time
1 week
Follow-up Visit
1 year
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What is Endodontic Surgery?

Endodontic surgery is also called apical resection or root tip surgery. Inside the tooth, there is a cavity called the pulp chamber. Inside this cavity is the pulp, a living tissue that keeps the tooth alive, such as nerves, blood tissues, and connective tissues. Endodontic treatment is popularly known as root canal treatment and is applied in case of inflammation or infection of the Decal. It usually comes up in the case of deep caries, repeated dental procedures such as replacing a large filling in the tooth, or traumatic damage such as cracks and fractures. Dying of the pulp can cause the pulp chamber and ducts to become infected. The resulting infection can spread to the surrounding bone and other tissues at the root tip.

A hole is drilled into the tooth for root canal treatment. As part of the root canal treatment, the dental pulp is removed and the tooth is filled with a biocompatible material, gutta-percha. Thus, the infected tissue inside the tooth is treated. Although the procedure is usually successful, there is a risk that infected bees will remain in the dental canals and infections will occur in the following periods. Apical resection, that is, endodontic surgical treatment, is on the agenda at this stage.

Apicoectomy, also called root tip resection, is an endodontic surgical procedure that is typically performed after a root canal procedure has failed. Within the scope of the procedure known as endodontic surgery, root tip surgery, apicoectomy, root tip filling or retrograde root canal treatment, the root tip is removed, the root tip cavity is created and filled with a special root tip filling material.

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How is Endodontic Surgery Treatment Performed?

Before starting endodontic surgery treatment, local anesthesia is applied to the target area and numbness effect is expected to be achieved. Infected peri-apical tissues can be accessed directly by making a small incision through the gum tissues at the affected root level. After removing the last few millimeters of the root tip with infected tissue near or around the root tip, a small filling is placed at the end of the root canal to prevent further infection, and the canal is closed. With the help of small stitches, the gum tissues are closed. Bone grafting and various techniques are used to stimulate the growth of bone, especially if the infection has caused a significant gap.

In cases where apical resection is not appropriate, periradicular surgery can be performed. Unlike in a procedure similar to apical resection, a wider fler must be removed to access the infected tissue at the root tip and the surrounding bone. Endodontic surgical procedures can also be resorted to for the removal of cysts and granulomas formed at the root tip.

In cases where calcium deposits make it difficult to use tools to perform a root canal, endodontic surgery may be resorted to to remove calcium deposits. In this context, the area is cleaned, then the canal is closed and the tooth is saved.

In addition, if the patient experiences constant pain but what causes the pain cannot be detected on the X-ray, the use of endodontic surgical procedure may be on the agenda. There may be small fractures in the tooth or canal that cannot be displayed on an X-ray. Endodontists may make small incisions to examine the tooth in detail. After the detection of the problem, the necessary treatment is planned specifically for the patient.

Which Teeth Is Endodontic Surgery Performed On?

Endodontic surgery can be performed on children and adults to save at-risk teeth and prevent any complications from occurring. When the tooth becomes infected again after root canal treatment, it is usual to feel pain, swelling or tenderness in the gums. However, in some cases, it may also be that there are no symptoms.

As part of endodontic surgery, the root tip and infected tissue, called the “apex”, are removed to completely eliminate the infection and ensure that the tooth returns to a healthy state. The root tip is where the nerves and blood vessels enter the tooth, then pass through the channels and reach the pulp chamber. When the root tip is removed, the infected tissue at the source of the problem is eliminated and infected tissue is prevented from remaining in the tooth.

If the infection in the root of the tooth is not treated, very serious oral and dental health problems may occur. In order to treat a tooth root infection, the problem is first identified, antibiotic therapy is applied. If the inflammation progresses, the antibiotic is injected directly into the infected tissues. After the infection is stopped, the tooth root is cleaned and the treatment is completed.

If the inflammation is very advanced and there is no damage to the dental canals, canal treatment may be on the agenda. In later cases, if the canals are too damaged to be corrected, tooth extraction may be required.

It is possible to list some of the conditions that require endodontic surgery as follows:

  • Failure of the traditional root canal treatment applied to the patient
  • Development of infection in the tooth undergoing root canal treatment
  • It is not possible to achieve results with the repetition of root canal treatment
  • It is not recommended to apply traditional root canal treatment
  • The presence of various pathological, anatomical and traumatic causes

What Are the Things to Be Considered After Endodontic Surgery?

It is considered normal for patients to feel some pain after endodontic surgery. Using medications prescribed by the dentist to control pain and improve the patient's comfort may be beneficial. Slight blood leaks may be experienced in the early period after the endodontic surgical procedure. During this process, patients should not spit, smoke and use straws. Otherwise, the blood clot, which is necessary and protective for the healing of the surgical site, leaves its place, and the healing process may be negatively affected.

It is possible to feel swelling for the first few days after the endodontic surgical procedure. Possible swelling usually goes away on its own without any intervention within 1 week. It is recommended to apply an ice compress for the first 12 hours after endodontic surgery. In order to prevent irritation of the operation area, hard and crunchy foods should not be included in the nutrition program for several days. Usually, a few days after endodontic surgery, patients can resume their daily routines.

After the endodontic surgical procedure, the tampon applied by the dentist should be kept in place for about half an hour. Thus, it is possible to prevent bleeding. It is necessary not to eat or drink anything for the first 2 hours after the application. During the healing process, it is important to avoid hard and hot foods and drinks, consume warm and soft foods and drinks. In addition, it is necessary to be careful not to eat before the effect of anesthesia has completely passed. Another important issue in terms of the healing process is that oral hygiene should not be neglected.

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Is Endodontic Surgery Difficult to Treat?

Endodontic surgery is considered as a dental procedure that should be performed by specialists and experienced doctors in the field. Because endodontic surgery is performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain or soreness during the application. During the healing process following the application, it may be possible to experience a fast and healthy healing process thanks to the use of medications prescribed by the dentist and the implementation of his recommendations.

Endodontic Surgery Prices

Endodontic surgery prices may vary depending on the type of surgical procedure to be performed, the location of the tooth to be treated, the degree of infection, the quality of the materials used, the dentist's expertise and the clinic's pricing policy.

Last Updated: Oct 4th, 2024
Based on 566 Reviews
Edip Aslan

I would like to thank Ms. Melis and Mr. Ali for their interest. You can come to Mosdent and have your treatments with peace of mind.

Anna Nemkina

Very good clinic, and dentist Oksana ☺️

lale Yurtseven

I went for my son and I was very pleased with the pediatrician Ms. Ece. My son had his teeth fixed without fear. You can get treatment in a clean hospital with friendly staff without any hesitation.

Ammar Ghandour

Very good hospital and very good service. And very good Dr.

Seda Balcı

I'm coming for Enes Bekman, the only dentist who works in a private institution as his own practice... Thank you very much for his closeness, attention and magic hands.. He is the doctor of our family.. I'm glad we have him.

ruoxi chen

We came to Turkey for a vacation, and my child’s wisdom tooth became inflamed. Through the introduction of a local Turkish friend, we urgently contacted Mosdent and arrived at the hospital early the next morning. My child received timely and proper treatment. Dr. Bahadır OLCAY was highly skilled and very friendly. Since my child hadn’t eaten, the doctor even shared her own cake with him. The environment at Mosdent was also very clean and well-maintained. I would recommend it to all my friends, and I hope locals in Istanbul will also come here for dental care and treatment.

Erhan yıldız

It is a dental hospital where you will be really pleased with everything. All the staff, doctors and assistants, are amazing, they are very attentive, they are meticulous at every stage of your treatment, everything is very clean, sterile, God do not give you any trouble, but if you do, I recommend you to choose Mosdent. I have an upper jaw implant, lower jaw, 2 implants and veneers. My treatment is not over yet. Rehearsals for the chin will begin. The process so far has been great. I will comment again when it is finished. Thank you very much to Mr. Ferit and his assistants. If there are people who are afraid of implant treatment, try Mosdent and get rid of your fears. On the same day, 6 teeth were extracted in the upper jaw, bone powder was added, 4 implants were made, stitches were placed, 1 hour is very light. There was a pain, it went away with painkillers and I never had pain again. See you when it's over, come to Mosdent without fear for your health, believe me, you will be very pleased.

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